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Selasa, 13 Desember 2011


Trailer CarjackedLorraine, seorang ibu tunggal dan anaknya yang berusia 5 tahun, disandera dalam mobilnya oleh Roy, seorang perampok bank yang tidak berniat melepaskan mereka pergi. Roy memaksa Lorraine mengemudi lintas negara untuk menemui komplotannya yang masih menyimpan uang hasil rampokan. Perjuangan Lorraine demi bertahan hidup menandai awal perjalanannya menuju kebebasan.

Lorraine (Maria Bello), a vulnerable single mom and her 5 year-old son are carjacked by Roy (Stephen Dorff), a vicious bank robber who has no intention of letting them go. Roy forces her to drive cross country to meet up with his accomplice who still has the money from the robbery. Lorraine's fight for survival marks the beginning of her journey toward independence.
Directed by: John Bonito
Cast: Maria Bello, Stephen Dorff, Connor Hill, Joanna Cassidy, Robert Peters
Duration: 90 min

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