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Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

The Billionaire

Trailer The BillionaireSaat usia 16, dia adalah pencandu game online. Saat usia 17, ia putus sekolah untuk menjadi penjaja kacang. Saat usia 18, keluarganya bangkrut dan meninggalkan hutang sebesar 40 juta Baht. Saat usia 19, dia menciptakan cemilan rumput laut 'Tao Kae Noi' yang dijual di 3.000 cabang 7-Eleven di Thailand. Kini, di usia 26, ia adalah produsen cemilan rumput laut terlaris di Thailand, berpenghasilan 800 juta Baht per tahun dan mempekerjakan 2.000 staf. Namanya Top Ittipat, dan ini adalah kisah nyata hidupnya yang luar biasa.

At 16, he was an online gaming addict. At 17, he dropped out of school and sold chestnuts for a living. At 18, his family went bankrupt and was 40 million Baht in debt. At 19, he created ‘Tao Kae Noi’ seaweed snack which was sold through 3,000 7-Eleven branches across Thailand. At present, he is the 26-year-old owner of the country’s highest selling seaweed snack, earning 800 million Baht a year in gross revenue and employs 2,000 staff members under his wing. His name is Top Ittipat and this is the incredible true story of his life.
Directed by: Songyos Sugmakanan
Cast: Peach Pachara Chirathivat, Walanlak Kumsuwan, Somboonsuk Niyomsiri
Duration: 120 min

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