Trailer Midnight In Paris - Ini adalah sebuah komedi romantis yang mengambil tempat di Paris. Menceritakan sebuah keluarga yang pergi ke Paris karena bisnis, dan dua anak muda yang akan menikah pada musim gugur memiliki pengalaman yang mengubah hidup mereka. Film ini tentang cinta seorang pria muda untuk kota Paris, dan sekaligus mengeksplorasi ilusi setiap orang yang beranggapan bahwa kehidupan orang lain lebih baik daripada yang mereka miliki sendiri.

This is a romantic comedy set in Paris about a family that goes there because of business, and two young people who are engaged to be married in the fall have experiences there that change their lives. It's about a young man's great love for a city, Paris, and the illusion people have that a life different from theirs would be much better.
"In a film so ripe with temptations for posturing, exaggeration and satirical overacting, nobody is anything less than natural, unpretentious and funny as hell" -New York Observer
"In Woody Allen's beguiling and then bedazzling new comedy, nostalgia isn't at all what it used to be - it's smarter, sweeter, fizzier and ever so much funnier" -Wall Street Journal
"This is prime Woody Allen - insightful, philosophical and very funny" -Time Out New York
Directed by: Woody Allen
Cast: Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Marion Cotillard, Kathy Bates, Adrien Brody, Carla Bruni, Michael Sheen
Duration: 95 min.
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