Trailer The Whistleblower - Terinspirasi dari peristiwa nyata, film ini mengisahkan sosok Kathy (Rachel Weisz), seorang perwira polisi Amerika yang bekerja sebagai penjaga perdamaian pasca perang Bosnia. Harapannya untuk membangun kembali negara yang hancur menjadi sirnah ketika ia mengungkap sebuah kasus korupsi dan intrik ditengah pembicaraan kontraktor swasta dan diplomatik multinasional.

Inspired by true events, Kathy (Rachel Weisz) is an American police officer who takes a job working as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. Her expectations of helping to rebuild a devastated country are dashed when she uncovers a dangerous reality of corruption, cover-up and intrigue amid a world of private contractors and multinational diplomatic doubletalk.
"A grisly, authentic, meticulously researched, pulse-quickening political chiller about a hot-button topic that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish" -New York Observer
"This accomplished debut feature avoids most of the usual pitfalls, channeling its outrage into a tense, focused piece of storytelling with a powerful sense of empathy" -Variety
Directed by: Larysa Kondracki
Cast: Rachel Weisz, Vanessa Redgrave, David Strathairn, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Monica Bellucci
Duration: 112 min
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