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Selasa, 29 November 2011

Sector 7

Trailer Sector 7 Di tahun 1985 seorang pekerja menghilang di sebuah pangkalan minyak bawah air di selatan pulau Jeju. Kini putri pekerja tersebut bekerja sebagai manajer peralatan laut di kapal minyak tua bernama Eclipse bersama mantan rekan ayahnya. Ketika mereka mencoba menggali dasar laut, peralatan rusak dan tenggelam ke dasar laut, satu per satu awak mati dimutilasi dengan kejam. Segera terungkap bahwa mereka akan menjadi mangsa makhluk bawah air yang menerobos masuk ke kapal melalui pipa pengeboran.

In 1985 a worker goes missing at an underwater oil base in the south of Jeju Island. In present day his daughter is working as a marine equipment manager on an old oil prospecting ship called Eclipse along with a former colleague of her father. When they trying to drill out the sea, the equipment fails and sinks to the bottom of the sea, one by one crew members begin to turn up dead viciously mutilated. It is soon revealed that they're all about to become prey for a transparent underwater creature that infiltrates the ship through the drilling pipe.
Directed by: Kim Ji-Hoon
Cast: Ha Ji-Won, Oh Ji-Ho, Ahn Sung-Ki, Cha Ae-Ryeon, Lee Han-Wi
Duration: 104 min

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